Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bestfriend's drug addicted brother?

My best friend is a very gentle, kind and compassionate person. His brother is a known meth addict, wife beater, rage harbinger, quick to fight, all around bad person. The problem stems from this "brother being intelligent enough to manipulate the legal system to stay out of jail. He lives with his very christian parents, whom will not turn him in for anything, considering this a sort of sin to do so. This "brother" continues to do drugs, avoid child support, and bring chaos to their house. This chaos ranges from fits of rage to the drug deals and doings around the house and the fights that ensue because of these things. He is a thief and tends to have ppl coming to their house to fight him and take their stuff back. My friend and his parents are constantly having to support him financially, drive him around, do random choirs for him, pick him up at all hours of the night from random places. He has been to rehab and jail several times. What can i do to help them in this situation? Can I call a judge or some sort of legal institution to report him for these doings and get everyone into a better situation? Please HELP ME HELP THEM???????

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