Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is this likely? For a character I'm writing.?

In a war story I'm writing, I want to have one of the characters be a three-star general in the army. However, a friend of mine told me that the beginning is unlikely because a three-star general wouldn't be lying in bed, next to his wife, and worrying about the ensuing war on the horizon, and whether he would be sent off to it. He would be at a military headquarters already. Is that true? What about, say, a one-star general? How are the stars earned, anyway? Thank you for your answers.

How big will my puppy be?

When you get a mixed breed, there is no way anyone can tell your what size that dog will be at maturity, not even your vet. The genes your dog inherited from both sides come in to play as your dog grows. A large breed dog can continue to grow until 18 months, whereas most smaller breeds stop around a year. It's something you will just have to wait and see.

What are some sure-fire ways to end my life?

I posted a question earlier on how to go about slitting my wrist. The answers were not what I was looking for. I have since decided against slitting my wrist. However I have not decided against killing myself. What are some sure fire ways to commit suicide?? PLEASE NOTE: Do not tell me things will get better, things could be worse or to get help. I am a consistent little *****. I will not listen. I have been to the hospital to many times to count, talked to too many shrinks, taken too many meds… You should not feel sorry for me. If you knew what I did or who I am you would want me dead- many people do.

Is there such thing as a sibling with no relation to u at all in blood, marriage or God wise?

Yes - as can be the case in adoption. If someone already has a child (adopted or gave birth to) and then adopts another child later on, their two children will be siblings without blood, marriage or according to God

Forgot the name of a movie, have you seen it?

There was this semi-old horror movie about this group of scientist who found a piece of Satan's DNA in a church basement. When they start researching it calamity ensues and hobos turn into zombies and start attacking the building they're in. Only got to see part of it, but I'm a pretty big horror / zombie film junkie and would like to see the rest but I don't know the title. If this sounds familiar to someone, please let me know the title. Thanks.

Person Inside my mind?

When my grandfather wanted to think something over, he'd say, I've got to talk it over with me, myself and I. I'm always second guessing myself, although I don't really think of it as a "voice" in my head, I know it's all me. Life is full of choices and decisions, sometimes we listen to our gut feeling and when things go wrong, we moan "I knew I shouldn't have done whatever, something told me not to". That's just the way we're made, we can actually argue with ourselves.

For the divorced wives- is it impossible to have a relationship with the new wife?

I am not asking to be her best friend, but why can't this woman at least give me a level of respect? Her children adore me. They come to me with everything. I married him so now I am a permanent fixture in the kids' lives. When my husband talks to his ex all they do is scream and shout. It always turns into a personal battle and an ugly name calling session, rather than a productive phone call about the kids. So last night, same ugly fight ensued between them and it ended with my husband slamming the phone down and yelling at me- "You talk to her!" Since it was a topic about the kids and I am a relatively reasonable person I figured I would give it a shot. She refused to take my call and later texted my husband to not have "that woman call me again." So, now I am the angry one. I have always tried to treat her with respect and give her the benefit of the doubt in many situations. After all, I know her ex husband as well or better than she and he can be very tough to live with! So, I could almost sympathize with her at times- but not anymore! We have been together for 5 years now. I think she needs to get over it and accept/appreciate the fact that her children have a person in their lives who loves them and cares about their well-being. So, my question to you divorced women- is it impossible to have a workable relationship with the 2nd wife-- especially when there is a serious lack of communication between you and the ex husband? Am I expecting too much to be able to act as the mediator so good decisions can be made about the kids without every phone call turning into world war 3?

How could anyone trust Republicans to prevent a repeat of the Financial Crisis when they can't identify the?

They have identified the cause and have stated it repeatedly. What they have failed to do is tell you what you want to hear. You don't want to hear about the crooked Fannie and Freddie and Countrywide. You do not want to hear abou the community reinvestment act. You do not want to hear about people wanting more house than they could afford. You don't want to hear about those who protested at banks and at the homes of bankers because not enough blacks were getting loans. So when they started giving them loans they could not afford and they defaulted , they were again criticized. You don't want the truth. You guys are like a dog that eats his own vomit.

R&P: What artist's music is enough to drive you completely insane?

Call me unAmerican, but I can no longer make it through one Bruce Springsteen record. That old hit single "Born in the U.S.A." is so loud and steeped with so much shrieking that it turns my stomach. I just can't get into poor Bruce. Maybe his much earlier songs were slightly tolerable for me way way back then (ex: "Hungry Heart" or his later hit "I'm on fire"). But after a certain point I could no longer and can still no longer listen to his music.

Hair loss at 17? HELLLLLPPPP?

Today, while brushing my hair in the morning I noticed multiple strands falling out of my fault. I felt irritation and applied olive oil, assuming I had dandruff. Once, I had finished showering clumps of hair fell on the floor, which really worried me. I did rupture my appendix in January, and no operation has ensued due to scar tissue and abscesses in my stomach. I was on heavy medications, like Cipro and haven't had any pain-killers for about 3 weeks. Is this just a side effect or should I get checked by a doctor? Thanksss.

Which clubs should I join next year in high school?

I'm going to be a senior and I've noticed that I haven't joined many clubs, but have some outside volunteering experience. I have a big high school with many clubs. Which clubs should I join to look better for college? (Not debate, speech, mock trial, or anything speaking wise)

I cut the inside pad out of my bikini. How can i close the cut up?

I am a stupid person so i cut the inside pad out of my bikini... only to realize there was already a slit made to remove them. I want to close the cut up. How can i do that? Will glue work?

Where do these gents get their insight, wisdom, and knowledge?

Most likely from experiencing their life and from good advice they've received from their parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else who has been in a committed relationship and worked through all of their problems without taking the easy way out by divorce.

Which of these cream puff recipes looks better?

I would go with the first one if you can't use real whipped cream in the second one. Cool Whip will not be near as good and gives it a totally different flavor, so why go through all the effort?

Help!! can you help me answer this question?

Augustine profoundly influenced the way writers in the Middle Ages looked at the world around them, leading many to focus their intellectual efforts on finding a divine message in social and physical phenomena. With the rediscovery of Aristotle and his mode of analysis, there is a new-found optimism that "right understanding" of social and political processes might be achieved and then serve to define how it might be possible to "reform" society in one way or another. How do Joinville and Dante manifest this mode of analysis? What kind of world would ensue from such a reformation? What are the constraints on such a reformation actually occurring?

Bassnectar concert.. something weird happened?

i was at a bassnectar concert where obviously lots of ppl on drugs are at and some sketchyy **** happens. i was walkin through the crowd tryin to get back to my third row spot and someone like stabbed my with something really sharp im pretty sure a knife??? and slit my shirt and then just pulled it out.. like it didnt stab me. but they ripped a small rectangle on the back of my shirt out!!! why would they do that??

Does High School Matter Once You Get To College?

Not education wise, i know that matters. But more like the social aspects. Like will it matter if you were the popular kid in high school or the out cast once you get to college?. I consider myself semi-popular for being the funny, nice, athletic, easy to become friends with type of guy and im well liked by most people I guess. But will all of that matter once you get to college? I personally hope not cause I want to have a fresh start and just meet new people.

Can I keep three different species of turtles together?

My boyfriend wants to make a turtle habitat out in the back yard, but I'm not sure if we can keep three different species in one spot without some sort of fight ensuing. I have a western box turtle, yellow eared slider, and a spiny soft-shell turtle. If we made it big enough to accommodate them, would they fight? I'm not sure of their sexes, sorry.

How do uk kid sizes work?

i mean what would say a girls 11 year old top be size wise? a uk 4/6 ? how does it work in kids sizes?

How do I know if I need my wisdom teeth out?

My guess is the pain and every other possible symptoms. Also, going to a Dentist for a checkup of possible problems is good because he/she will know the answer the best.

Why do manufactures of women's pants put pockets on them?

Pockets are so useless and they disfigure the whole deal and are awkward. It is dumb to have those pockets when we don't carry wallets and keys in them. The pockets that aren't flat, but have that inner piece of material is even worse. How much better it would be pocket-less, or with just a little sewn on pocket design. Why don't women's trouser designers wise up and cut out the nonsense ? It would sure save on alterations.

Hows this for a sitcom idea bros.. "The Bin Ladens"?

LOL, not bad bro. Bro I know you're a leftist so you and I will rarely if ever agree on much, but you're OK in my book.

Why do people go in to a bath after they slit there wrists.?

The water prevents the blood from clotting and makes it come out faster. So the person just keeps bleeding and they bleed to death.

How can i look more "Feminine"? ?

Okay so I've heard I look like a man to me, which is shocking to me because I always thought I was so girly. I'm tall around 5'10, slim build, kind of toned but I have curves too. I have look hair but I have somewhat of a structured face. Like bone structure wise. How can I look more feminine? I dress pretty girly too.

Agree or disagree?Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

I found two bed bugs , i killed both of them immediately, do i have a infestation, are there others elswhere?

You know the answer. You just do not want it to be true. Bedbugs have friends and the larvae and eggs are already there. Get an exterminator ASAP.

Why does the government permit the continuing run of the extreme-racist group the "Black Panthers"?

Since their founding in 1966, They have spilled just as much, if not more blood than the Ku Klux Klan did. One of their founding members openly and proudly confessed to the murder of a police officer, and attempted to murder two others over a simple traffic stop in 1967. Violence has ensued on their behalf since.

Prawn having with black thread like inside?

your friend is right, they don't NEED to be removed. It's done a lot of times mostly for aesthetic reasons. A solid pink shrimp is prettier than one with a black line down the middle.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

People you do realize that trickle-down economics is real, ceteris paribus?

Yes, trickle down economics is real...a real joke. It makes as much sense as quitting a full time job to take a part time job, thinking you're going to increase your income. The only way tax cuts will stimulate the economy is to give them to the middle class and poor. Republicans are always saying you have to give tax cuts to the rich because they're the ones who create jobs. However, they won't create more jobs if there is no demand. You create demand by giving the tax breaks to the middle class and poor; they will in turn go out and spend the money on that new TV or washer and dryer they wanted but didn't think they could afford.

Im currently working at McDonald's? Help?

hey im 18 and a full-time student, on summer vacation and i just started working at mcdonalds, its been about 3 weeks. its my first job, and its not that i cant handle it, its just so dirty and disgusting in the kitchen. i was wondering if it is wise to start looking for another job as i continue to work there? will finding other employment be easier with mcdonalds on my resume? i honestly thought about qutting during my first training shift haha :p thank youu

Are urbanears plattan a good headphone to buy? ?

I was recently looking into headphones to buy, when I ran across the urbanears brand, specifically the plattan model. Style wise, I love them so much, but I am not sure how they stack up audio wise. Does anyone know?? And if possible, do you know of any other stylish, good sounding headphones?? Don't recommend beats, skullcandy or Bose. They are all overpriced brand names that don't sound all that great.

Getting Over Approach Anxiety?

You need to approach women regardless of awkwardness, practice makes perfect, you need to force yourself into situations even if you know they're not going to end well, you need to learn not to care, because eventually that will help stop the awkwardness as well, then when you find that special girl, she won't be the one who has to deal with it :)


Find the who-what-when-where-why and try to express it in one sentence. Use the present tense, and leave out the prepositions and articles. #2 -- Chinese and North Korean troops head south -- UN intervenes.

Finish this sentance: A wise man once said...?

" There are two things that are infinite; the universe and human stupidity and I am not sure about the universe ".

Hamster Peeing In Her Wheel?

there really isn't much you can do. with the ovo cages. you'll have to watch out. my hammie does that also and what i did was every time i saw him doing it i carefully picked him up and moved him to a different area. he was just a baby then too like yours. when they are younger than a year, it is easier to train them better habits. he eventually grew out of it. for tough stains, (in the wheel) mix 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 half water and put it in a spray bottle lightly spray and let sit for about five minutes. wipe away with hot, hot, HOT! water. dry well.

Is my relationship over?? Need to know asap? Can I get answers for once?

My relationship has been really rocky for the past couple of months, ever since I got diagnosed with depression. He said he would stick with me through it because he won't let me go through this alone. Well it got bad, and my depression changed me a lot, and a couple weeks ago he told me "You're not the girl I fell in love with anymore.." A couple days ago, we nearly broke up because of a fight, but we resolved it and are still together, plus I'm on medication now so I'm like I used to be. However, he told me "Maybe some time in the future we should take a break and talk to other people and see if we want to be with them instead." Funny, he just told me a week before that he thinks he's so lucky to have a girl like me...I know it's wise to meet/talk to other people, but it hurts because that makes it sound as if he no longer wants me. He told me just three days ago that there's no one as perfect for him as I am. I no longer believe that...and I no longer believe that he loves me. It hurts so bad...we've known each other since early childhood, and had a lot of memories back then, and I've secretly always had feelings for him, and I was super happy when I found out he wanted me too and we got together. He wasn't just my boyfriend...he was my best friend too, so if this comes to an end I'll lose both. We were so close :( What do I do? Are we over?

Are GOLD PLATED Collectibles a wise purchase?

It is not a wise purchase. A wiser purchase would be to spend your $10 on an uncirculated Mercury dime. You should be able to buy a 1941-44 on ebay for about $10 or maybe even less. The value if history is any indication should double about every 10 years or so. Maybe in the future even more rapidly. I remember when one could buy uncirculated buffalo nickles for $6 each. Can't buy them for anywhere near that today--more like $20 or higher.

How does one best avoid bumblebee attacks?

It's a scientific fact that bees communicate through interpretive dance, so all you have to do is go out there and dance to them, "Hello Bees, my children and I pose no threat to you, and are happy to keep planting the flowers that you seem to enjoy fertilizing bumbily. Be careful at night though, because this is bat country." and see what they dance back!

Is an ultimatum the wrong approach?

when you have been with someone as long as you have, you should of put your foot down along time ago and kept to it. when you argue, you know it does no good because you can't argue with an alcoholic. you choices are clear, one tell him as much as you love him that if he chooses to keep drinking you are taking the children and leaving. and do just that. when you let him continue on for as long as he has, you are enabling him. i know., been there. as you said you are at the end of your rope. chose to live for you and your kids. he won't change unless he wants to and from your side of the story, he chooses not to and tries to lie and hide it that he is drinking.

How big do the holes need to be in my subwoofer box?

I have 2 12" Alpine Type R subwoofers and I just built a box out of MDF wood. Then the next day my brother told me I was supposed to build vents inside the box that would let air out slits in the front. So I was wondering if I could drill holes in the back instead?? And if so how big? Please help

My relationship is ending. It hurts soooo bad?? HELP? Advice?

I was with this guy for 11 just under a year. Everything was perfect, until two months ago. We were having horrible problems, and we came close to breaking up the other day, but we didn't, and we resolved things last night and are still together. However, he told me "I think in the future we should take a break and maybe see if we want to be with other people instead." I know that's wise, but it hurts because I know he will leave me and honestly even after all the crap we've been through I still want to be with him and would be willing to go through more crap to be with him. He used to tell me I was the most beautiful girl in the world to him, that he loved me, and wouldn't leave me (that was the biggest lie of all.) He hasn't left yet..we are still together, but things are rocky and I know he is being taken away from me. I cry about it a lot. He's part of my childhood and we had lots of good memories together as kids, but I've always had feelings for him and I was so happy when I found out that he felt the same way. He really means a lot to me. I guess we could still be friends, but it would hurt still having strong feelings for someone and being stuck in the friend zone. My heart is broken. We were best friends even though we loved each other as more than that. It just hurts. What do I do?

What charges could happen to this freak?

There's this boy who used to be a friend. He's turning 16 this year, and has already been in trouble with the law for assault and stealing. A few weeks ago he started talking and flirting with my best friend. She was sleeping at my house and they started talking on msn. He went on webcam, showed us a big hunting knife and gun. He pointed the gun at the camera, and said "Bang, *my name* is dead". I was freaked out, like I was shaking. My friend thought it was pretty cool though. The next weekend she was back at my house and talking to him again. He then stated that Hitler was his idol, and that he wished he could have Hitlers power, so he could kill people. He started talking about such incredible racist things it was disgusting. He said if he had the power that he would kill me. My friend still talks to him, much to my hate, and tonight he randomly texted her and said she was f*ffin ugly. She called me like right then, and was all upset about it. Me being a friend I texted him telling him to apologize. He responded by telling me to stay out of it and called me a stupid f*ffin C-word, and that's putting it nicely. My friend told two other girls who called him, trying to get him to say he was sorry. Not asking very much. He responded by ignoring them. They called him about 20 times in half an hour (which I didn't agree with) and when he finally answered, he said that he was going charge them with harassment for calling him. I knew that would do anything, and I guess he thought so too, because he then said that he would drop the lawsuit (he didn't file) and just give them an "Indian Tie". Apparently that means to slit their throats and cut their tongues out and later tie the tongue around their necks. He has threatened my life, and graphically threatened two others, while saying he would beat me up, beat my boyfriend up, and then kill us in very graphic terms. What criminal charges could he get, considering he has been in trouble with the law before?

Could I somehow relate this song to Romeo and Juliet?

i had the same assignment in 9th grade just do billy joel "only the good die young" cause its awesome and it relates perfectly

When your best friend gets all the guys?

my best friend gets every single guy she not a hor and not really even that amazingly pretty and she isnt even that nice and evrysingle guy she meets falls in love with her and it gets really annoying i dont wanna be jealous and im really not i just wish they would like different people not always her and i seriously mean always not one person we have ever meet didnt like her ( guy wise ) and recently she eet the guy i have had a crush on for about 7 years and he fell in love with her i know its not her fault i just dont know what to do about it aby more pleaseee help me

Who Do You Think Should be in the Cover of 2k12?

In my Opinion this might sound crazy to u but I think that for the cover they should slit the picture in half and have one side featuring the Biggest Stars from the Past and on top of it says PAST to represent them and on the other side it should have the Biggest Stars from the Present and on top it Says PRESENT..this is just my opinion it may be crazy but I lik it...

Am I Bipolar, or just grieving, or both?

whether you are on Depression or bipolar best solution is good medication.Best advice i can give you is to continue medication.You can be free from depression or bipolar.

Double-slit experiment, just a simple question?

When only one particle is shot through the two slits, does the entire interference pattern develop all at once or does only one line gain from the one particle?

I didn't get my period!?

No, you had your period, and by touching yourself with your hand, even if it had semen on it, it wont do anything because it cant live outside the body.. Maybe you shouldnt have sex.

How much would a decent acoustic/electric guitar cost?

I saw an Ibanez AW300ECE for $460 AU and im wondering if its a good buy, sound and quality wise. If anyone has one i would appreciate some feedback. Thanks

Tips on Dobermans? What to watch out for (health wise)?

Dobermans are very prone to heart disease (cardiomyopathy) and vestibular disease, other than that a Doberman breeder should have tested sire and dam for VWD (a blood disorder) Hip Dysplasia, and they should be given a CERF exam (eyes). These tests should be available for you to see before committing to buying a puppy.

Snatch the movie plot segmentation 10pts!?

If you have the movie on DVD you could try using the Scene Selection chapter titles to start with then elaborate on what the title is referring to. Snatch has several plot lines going on so I imagine doing a plot segmentation is going to be more difficult than the Wizard of Oz. Just watch the movie and pause it every couple of minutes to write down what is going on and then when you're done revise and condense. Good luck.

My Boyfriend threatended to kill me?

He just threatened to kill me maybe 10 minutes ago. He said "I swear to god, if you dont shut up, i'm going to slit your throat" So I said "B*stard!" And now i'm scared hes going to kill me. What should i do? I was gonna call 911 but i didnt. But we live down the sreet from eachother and go to the same school so how would i get a restraining order?

Monday, July 18, 2011

How long will it take me to lose 7-10 lbs?

Cardio would be done about 3-4 times a week, yeah, that sounds good. I think it would take you about 1-3 weeks? So if you lose 1-2 pounds a week, yeah, it would take about 1-3 weeks to lose 7-10 pounds. GOODLUCK!

Which wedding album will result in the better looking prints 12 by 12 or 11 by 14?

this place we are gonna use only has these 2 options and we want the one that will look the best size wise while the 11 by 14 is 3 inches bigger does it give that much more a bigger boost to your images?

Hockey foot pains, not sure if it's cramps, been playing with no problems for years, still young.?

I've been playing hockey for over 10 years, I am 19 so it's definitely not an aging problem or out of shape problem. Just recently when I take off my skates, I have tremendous pain in the bottoms of my feet, I cannot put any pressure on them for at least 15 minutes, and have a hard time walking for the ensuing hours. I've been using the same skates for over a year, and haven't been off hockey for a long period of time. Anyone have any advice? Tying my skates looser is not really an option, it would completely throw my game off, plus I have a very weak ankle I need to protect.

I think I'm turning into a vampire...?

Well, my friend showed me Twilight, & I got totally obsessed with the movies and the books. I watch "Twilight" every night and sometimes fall asleep to it. I read the Twilight series in school all the time, (well when we were in school, because it is summer vacation) but to the point where people would say, "When are you going to return that book to the library?" or something else. Anyway, lately I've been getting into my sister's makeup and putting on really pale, dramatic makeup& my mom bought me some red fake contacts & golden contacts like Edward Cullen's for my birthday, because that's what I wanted. Last week, I went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife & slit my cats leg open because I wanted to taste blood. Every night I find a new spot to slice my cat because I like to suck her blood. Am I turning into a vampire? BTW ; my boyfriend said that he would change me into one if I'm I want to know if I am turning into one or if he needs to change me..?? 10 points to best answer?? Thanks

How would I go about it?

Here's the story: I have a near impossible exam in 2 days. Professors say that this is the one that determines if we'll become doctors or no. I am near certain I will fail even though I will try my hardest not to. I've been thinking about suicide a lot these past years, almost every day. But this week, when I was drunk I was ready to do it, luckily I calmed down. Today, I came up with a plan for doing it. It's getting too real. If I do fail this exam I will overdose on my anti-depressants which I have left from earlier treatment and I will slit my wrists. And no, it's not because the exam even though the only thing I've wanted was to become a doctor I could be without it IF I HAD ANYTHING ELSE. Which I don't, I am completely alone in this world, I've got no friends or any positive outlook towards the future. My father is a drunk, a complete retard. Probably the only person I would feel sorry for is my mother when she finds out I'm dead. Last time I saw her I told her that she is the reason why I'm so alone, it isn't true, the real reason is my father, my own fear to do anything. So I am asking you, what do I have to live for? And don't tell me that someone will care if I'm gone. There is nobody, I am so very alone in this world. Don't tell me things will get better because they wont. I saw a therapist for a year and the only thing I learned there, was that we are who we are and we can only change the way we behave. So right now I'm sticking with my plan. The exam will be a sign for me. People say it's the hardest exam of them all. If I don't fail I'll keep going, but if I fail in the exam, I will fail my life. Sure I could re-take the exam but why bother. I'm useless at this, I study way harder than most people and I still get low grades...

Did I Catch A Chameleon Or Anole?

Okay, So last night there was a huge storm going on. My dad looked out on the window and there was some type of lizard on our outdoor wall. It was blending in perfectly! I went out and caught it, and right now its in a 10 gallon aquarium. Theres a couple of dead bugs and a damp paper towel with it. It was on our dark counter top, and it got dark, as well. There was a noticeable color change. When I brought it in the house,my mom actually said "Oh my gosh, its an albino!". We know its not a gecko, because it couldnt climb the glass. It doesnt have the eyes of a chameleon. Could it be an anole? Also, We left the aquarium outside over night so it could have humidity from the rain and a better temperature. It has a pattern on its back, and its eyes have slits. Were going to Incredible Pets for snake food today, so we will probably show the reptile manager pictures of the thing.

What are the consequences of microwaving frozen burritos?

I have a frozen burrito that I am considering microwaving. I've heard that consequences could ensue, however. What are these consequences? I've never tried to microwave frozen burritos before, by the way.

Have you ever tried to kill yourself?

And i dont mean a 'cry for help' slitting your wrists thing, i mean you had the intention to die. What were the happened in the aftermath and what caused your decision to attempt to kill yourself.

I have an hourglass figure what am i supposed to wear?

I would say for you to wear clothes that show how shapely you are, but you are only 14. I am sure that you have a completely different taste to others so all I can suggest is that you go out shopping and experiment with different clothes- this may help you find the right fashion types that suit you. I don't know which shops you prefer- have you tried Matalan, Next, TK Max, or some other high-street shops? They have them here in London but I don't know about anywhere else in England.

Could I get more than just 1 answer this time?? I need to my relationship coming to an end?

My relationship has been really rocky for the past couple of months, ever since I got diagnosed with depression. He said he would stick with me through it because he won't let me go through this alone. Well it got bad, and my depression changed me a lot, and a couple weeks ago he told me "You're not the girl I fell in love with anymore.." A couple days ago, we nearly broke up because of a fight, but we resolved it and are still together, plus I'm on medication now so I'm like I used to be. However, he told me "Maybe some time in the future we should take a break and talk to other people and see if we want to be with them instead." Funny, he just told me a week before that he thinks he's so lucky to have a girl like me...I know it's wise to meet/talk to other people, but it hurts because that makes it sound as if he no longer wants me. He told me just three days ago that there's no one as perfect for him as I am. I no longer believe that...and I no longer believe that he loves me. It hurts so bad...we've known each other since early childhood, and had a lot of memories back then, and I've secretly always had feelings for him, and I was super happy when I found out he wanted me too and we got together. He wasn't just my boyfriend...he was my best friend too, so if this comes to an end I'll lose both. We were so close :( What do I do? Are we over?

What's it like moving to California as a teen male from a small town in Canada?

Go to a good church that teaches biblical principles and has a great worship team with musical instruments. Tell them you sing and play guitar they'll love you.

Would you feel bad if...?

would you feel bad if you knew someone was being bullied, and when with your friends you sent that person harsh texts that you knew would upset them, and then a few days later you noticed they had a cut/slit on their wrist?

Have you ever wanted to hit someone, just to see what would happen?

Don't you ever find yourself in a queue or something and someone's irritating you so you think "I would really love to lay a full-on right-cross on your hideous f**king face right now"... then get lost in a beautiful dream of doing just that and the ensuing chaos... ever feel like you have a dangerous amount of repressed rage? I can't be the only one...

Are u willing to see Miz ending The Streak so he carries the torch of unbeaten at WM?

3. First off Miz is not undefeated he lost to primo and carlito at wm25, and second the streak over? Why? It should live on forever and it will.

Will lifting weights make me a better baseball player? If so how do I ask my parents for a gym membership?

I'm 15 and in high school I'm pretty small muscular wise but I'm wondering if lifting weights and working abs will help me to throw hard and farther? Hit harder and farther? Make me faster? Quicker? I want to put on lean mass and still have a 6 pack and try outs are in end of february. How many pounds of muscle will I gain lifting two days resting ome day? How do I ask my parents fir a gym membership I'm scared and embarrassed to ask them,. What exactly do I say?

OMG! OMG! What do I do?!?

In an attempt at suicide I swallowed all of my viagra but it didn't work. I've had an erection since last night. When I woke up this morning I thought it was just morning wood but it's still not gone. And I was chopping wood and getting my family prepared for the ensuing Winter and just as I lifted the ax over my back and swung forward and slipped on a banana peel and my junk fell on the chopping block and I chopped it very finely along the urethra all the way down to my balls. Surprisingly, it's still bleeding. What should I do?

Movie about a fake hotel inspector?

if it's a black and whaite movie (and not the racist kind :) lol) then i think it's room service, by the Marks Brothers

Listen to my mp3-player during soccer practice(alone)?

Hi, I just wonder if it is wise to listen to musc when I practice alone with the wall, or should I be totally focused then too?

Female Dating a Gay/Bi Male?

Okay, so two months ago, me and my boyfriend have started going out. He was primarily identifying as gay, although he has have experimented with both men and women(sexually at equal rate as a matter of fact) and he calls himself "homoflexible"(he also likes to dress up as a female sometimes and does drag queen shows), when we went on our first "date", although neither of us knew what to expect since I knew he was gay ( and let me make it clear hes no way ashamed of it or hides it), we both started to like each other, and well I could just sence it because he did anything that a normal guy would do. Second date we were already getting close, and when he was grabbing my hands and putting his arm around me, I knew it wasnt just in my head, so i went in for a kiss, and what a kiss it was. From that moment on, our sexual tenstion was just incredibly crazy. We both would get turned on very much so by messing around (just dry sex kissing and touching), we would have dry sex everywhere, and I am not the type to give it up too early, so I would always say no, and I could tell he was driven crazy, I know obviously he wanted me bad and it showed. So he said he wanted to try to give me oral sex, because thats one thing hes never done. When things got about a month into our relationship finally i felt like i knew him well enough to give it up. I let him give me oral sex, he did not like the taste of the vagina. I mean my vagina is clean, has no smell, but it tastes sourish(yes i di taste it). He didnt enjoy that taste. Which was fine by me, but when we finally did have sex, it was uhem a little different then id expected. We had so many hot and heavy moments that were passionate that I would of expected our sex to be the same. The first time though was stressful for both of us i could tell, but that doesnt bother me, its our first time, we were nervous. He couldnt *** tho. The second time, we had sex for hours, and yea it was hot, I really enjoyed being with him, he very much looked like he enjoyed the whole thing too. Different positions lots of kissing and such, but again, he didn't ***. Right now we're at our 4th time and he still has not ***, after a while of having sex every time.(he did watch porn and masturbate, which he said he stopped, but he does still masturbate, although hes really trying to cut down) Out sex, movement wise, seems amazing, its hot. But he just cant ***, because honestly, hes what theyd call "bottom" and hes used to being "the girl", so thats how he cums, by having his prostate stimulated. I understand, he says hes not worried because he loves the feeling of his **** in my vagina he says he is just used to masturbating or anal sex, that it will take him time to adjust, but we both like each other very very much. I can trully tell. I'm mostly the only person who's freaking out about it it, seems like. I make jokes about other men, he doens't like it, im getting the vibe that he would like me to see him equivalent to any other straight guy i would date (btw hes not very flamboyant, he doesn't usually get along with gay people, hes more of a girl then a gay guy). He feels weird when I ask him about sexual experiences with gay guys, I have no idea why? He also really wouldn't not want me to do anything a gay man would do using toys on him, he says I have a vagina and that's what he wants to do. (and NO HE DOES NOT WANT TO EVEN HAVE ANAL SEX WITH ME, he does not like to stick it into that hole). Isn't that just weird? I honestly would enjoy giving him a prostate massage, but he says I'm not touching that. I am just so worried that he doesn't *** because it doesn't feel good, or that eventually he will want a guy, which we talked about as well, he says, its a possibility but we can figure that out if it happens., He is very attached to me, he loves my boobs, he says he cant believe hes been missing out on boobs, and my female body such as my hips/waste, which is the part he loves most. And he always wants to touch and kiss me, hes not afraid of touching my vagina at all. Everything seems to be great. Yet I am very worried. He also tells me, hes never had this strong of feelings for anyone, male OR female. I would like gay, straight, bi whatever people to give me some of their opinion on what is going on here. Maybe I am completely blind and not seeing things through, but if your not gonna be helpful and just rude don't bother answering please. Why cant he ***? Can he really love me if I am a female? Do you guys think eventually there will be a problem we cant fix? Do gay guys enjoy the FEEL of vagina? why do you think he wouldn't want me to touch his back door?

What happened to this section?

Hei rebel! I do remember those years. Mostly are into FB, we even have a group YAPPERS, 22 members who belong to the batch 2008-2009 i guess, come visit or join the group. I do remember you, PC and bwuisit... It was fun back then to a point wherein our questions were deleted due to violations, it was like a chatroom back then with different personalities... By the way where is GRO?

Why might she do this?

I have a 2 year old niece. Recently my sister (her mom) and I were talking about the little things she does. My sister has become concerned. She will flick her hands. She also covers her ears alot. My sister at first thought with the covering of the ears she might have an ear infection, but no fever, and even a quick trip to the doctor proves other wise. She has been doing this for a couple months now and I my sister started to look up these behaviors, since she has never seen this before in children. My niece talks perfectly fine for a 2 year old. She can say her ABC's without much help. She can count to ten almost, sometimes she gets a couple numbers mixed up she is only 2. She is very social and loves to be around people and other kids. I think it's probably just a tick she has. She does not fit any other warning sign for autism except the hand movements. But are there any other things that might be causing her to do this?

What is the wavelength of this light?

Monochromatic lights passes through two slits 0.030cm apart and falls on a screen 120cm away. The first-order bright band is 0.16cm from the middle of the center band. What is the wavelength of the light?

Can someone please help me im completely alone on this earth and i want to die but im too afraid of

Im 26 yrs old and i have absolutely no family or friends. My mom remarried wen i was 8 to some asshole who abused me physically n mentally then convinced her to kick me out on my 18 th into the streets i went no education,car,or money. Stupidly i got involved with this crazy bipolar girl who cheats on me, and i have no where to go.ive suffered thru being with this person for 8 yrs cuz i have nothing. I had a heroin problem from age 18 to 24 and i got on methadone like two yrs ago but since i dont have a car i hafta rely on crazy girls car to get me to my clinic. I am completely trapped here with this person we live with her parents and they hate my guts. Even tho i pay them rent, they still treat me like an indentured servant. In 2007 i found my father after twenty or so odd yrs of not seeing him. He lived like 1700 miles away from me but we would talk on the fone all the time. Then 8 months later he had a heart attack and died. My world stood still, the one person on the whole face of this flea infested planet who cared about me was gone. So now i just drift aimlessly thru life with no purpose or direction, cursing my mother for not choosing abortion, smoking pot,getting verbally abused by girl and her parents with absolutely nowhere to go. I cant take it anymore i want to leave this world so bad, but im christian, and im completely terrified of going to hell. So instead i cut myself.incredibly deep. A couple yrs ago i slit my forearm down to my wrist,(the right way!) and ended up bein found by my friend and rushed to the hospital where i got 46 stitches. But i see myself as so pathetic i cant even do that right. Can someone help me. Im not a bad person, honestly, i just have nowhere to turn and i pathetically typed this in the hopes that someone will read it who can actually help me. I really need a friend cuz i dont know how much longer i can bite my cheek and try to ignore the fact that i hate who ive become and if i had any balls at all id just hang it up or suck down the end of a firearm of some sort.

My boyfriend & Titty Bars.?

Sorry to tell you this but he moved closer to the strip club to have easier access to having them over to his place for some sex during their breaks and after their shifts. You NEED to move on.

10 points for best answer.Whats the best response.......?

tell that fat b!!tch to get back in the sea before you harpoon her. tell her you'l only ever need her advice when you need a few spare chins too.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What if Jesus was just a prophet gone wrong?

He was the Son of GOD. There plenty of proof to back it up. The problem is most people Post things without searching for the answers themselves. Seek GOD for yourself, and wait on Him to answer your questions. Start by reading the Bible. GOD will open your eyes to a hold new world. Man cant do that for you. You have to take the time to do it for yourself.

Realistically do you think my rapist would be sentenced after a year?

Go! Get him arrested! Let them know you are scared he will do it again. he has probably raped others besides you! Hurry.

Could i have breast cancer?? please help?

cancer is not normally found in people of your age, the bumps you describe may be Montgomery bumps, and the inversion you speak of is quite normal, nipples change colour in pregnancy, i was told manny years ago by a distinguished doctor cancer hurts and gives a lot of pain, i think you need to raise your concerns with your gp again and if necessary be referred to a specialist to reassure you.

I need a list of Doctors that can perform a preputioplasty surgery in Toronto?

I have phimosis, and have done extensive research. I know all about stretching, and the soloutions. I have determined that my problem is not in a tight foreskin per se, but a phimotic ring, that makes retraction of the foreskin past the glans difficult, and forms the "waist" shape squeezing of the shaft when retracted. I have also determined that my condition can be cured through a preputioplasty surgery, definately NOT circumsicion, or a dorsal slit. I've been having trouble find doctors that can perform this surgery, however, and would truly appreciate any knowledge on practitioners of this surgery.

Should I get a restraining order?

Restraining order for now but if your ex keeps bothering you and stalking you ,you need to get him arrested !

Statues in the park...?

LOL! At first I thought they were actually "doing" it. But it turns out they were doing revenge to the pigeons! LOL!

What do you think of relationships not based from friendship?

If there's initial attraction between the two why not start out romantically. That's how my boyfriend and I started and we found we have so many common interests and also many different ones which keeps it interesting. Through the course of our relationship we've become best friends as well as romantic partners. I don't know what I do if I couldn't spend at least one day a week with him. I do agree that there has to be a friendship between two people for it to work, but it doesn't always need to start out that way.

Why do I want to cut myself...? HELP PLEASE?

For the past few years some bad things have happened. My dad was sent to the hospital for two years because he had clinical depression, then I found out I had epilepsy and it's been very hard to deal with, after that my sister had a bad head injury, then my brother got hit by a car and barely survived, then I was bullied badly at school and it still haunts me, and recently I was diagnosed with depression. I have no one...seriously NO ONE to talk to besides my family. And I'm home alone right now so I really have no one. My boyfriend and I are pretty close but things have been bad between us for about a week, and now he doesn't even want to talk to me. I feel so hopeless. I was getting so down about things a few minutes ago that I actually took a knife (not that sharp) out of the drawer and used it to put a small slit in my wrist..but it wasn't enough to draw blood. Help me please what can I do?

Netgear N600 good router?

Hey we use three laptops and xbox 360 in this house constantly gaming so everynow and then somebody might have a poor connection if eerybody was on...think im going to buy the Netgear N600 you think this is wise?

What is wrong with me why am i doing this?

im almost 14 and ive doing some weird things lately the other day i slit my wrist it made me feel better about my self. when i get angry i punch the wall until my fist goes straight through and ive being ignoring a lot of my Friends as-well.

Can somebody please explain Marbury vs. Madison?

Landmark case. in 1803. First time the Supreme Court ruled something "unconstitutional." established concept of judicial review in the U.S. Helped define "checks and balances."

Feels like a Crack on gum?

It feels like the space between my back 2 upper teeth there is a crack. I can feel it with my tongue. Its been there for a couple months. Its like someone made a slit with a knife.

Atheists, how can you support this?

If you read your first sentence, you say "public school". Religious beliefs aren't suppose to be demonstrated in public schools because of the variety of students, if he wants to pray in class he could go work at a catholic school. Noone wants to hear that crap anyway.

What do these images in my dreams mean?

Non freed is rout cause of dream. U are fed up with city busy life and want to flee like a free bird

Sex Appel or personality ?

Do women love how you look physically or how you act personality wise... Do the care for muscles or emotional being... Do the love compassion or living on the edge???

Part of my novel -- man is stabbed with crucifix...what do you think?

then when the crucifix is pulled out it magically turns into tampon still with victims blood!! BOO!!

What do you think this dream could mean?

Sometimes you have a lot on your mind went you go to bed which cause weird dreams. You could be worrying to much for your family. Or maybe you just saw something similar in real life (ex. movie or book).

What exactly is medical interning?

Is medical interning the same as volunteering at a hospital. Could you call that medical interning? What is the youngest age to start, and what exactly do you do? I'm only 15, about to be a high school sophomore. I'm hoping I could do something health-wise during this summer to put on my college resume. I doubt I can do a internship though since it's about to be July, so what are some other options? Just volunteering? Or maybe something else productive? Doesn't have to be health-related. Just impressive :) Thanks

Are GOLD PLATED Collectibles a wise purchase?

It is not a wise purchase. A wiser purchase would be to spend your $10 on an uncirculated Mercury dime. You should be able to buy a 1941-44 on ebay for about $10 or maybe even less. The value if history is any indication should double about every 10 years or so. Maybe in the future even more rapidly. I remember when one could buy uncirculated buffalo nickles for $6 each. Can't buy them for anywhere near that today--more like $20 or higher.

Realistically, what can I get in terms of property for �380,000 in London- any area.?

you'd definately get a shed lol...have a look at can pick areas to search in for certain amounts ect.

Which pc specs are better performance wise?

The 1st one. It has a better processor, video card and a bigger HDD. If you are looking for a gaming pc then the 1st one should be your choice

Help! Major issue, I signed a release for a comercial! Need help?!?

Is there a way I can get out of a release I did for a comercial displayed on the web? I am not happy with it and feel extra stupid for doing it, and am thinking of getting out of it if possible. It was involving another person too. I'm so depressed over it. I also don't have a copy of the stupid release form! What do I do? Also if no, what might you suggest I say word 4 word for him to agree to pull the video and or reach some agreement. (Not $ wise) Just agreement. Thank you for all your help!

I need to know if I as a defendant can have the so called victims tested for drugs before they testify?

Hello my husband is accused of shooting @ a 14 year old & 5 guys over the age of 20 in the woods on New Year's. The other people had a gun & pulled it on my husband & his friends & a fight did ensue. The 14 yrs.old is a known drug user & her mother cares less what she does. My husband & our friends came home & everyone went there way. The incident was to have taken place @ 3 am, it wasn't reported until 3pm the next day. MY husband & I came home from me riding my 1st horse & r neighbor came over when we got home & told us that the police was looking for him, so him & r neighbor walked down the street to the other street where the cops were & my husband told them his name & he had heard that they were looking for him. No sooner did he say his name they had him cuffed & shoved into the car. My husband was on probation, he was getting ready to get off early per his probation officer who had told him to get the paperwork she would approve it. He didn't find out till 4 am the next morning as to what he was being arrested for. Everyone of the so called victims have records as well the only difference is that my husband had been turning it around. We are active members of our church, grandparents, & he worked at a horse rescue well not worked cause he didn't get paid he just loved doing it. I need to know if we are able to have our lawyer to have these people drug tested b4 the testify. I was told that two of the guys keep pea on them for their jobs cause they can be tested at anytime. I also have pictures of them buying drugs from a known drug house, I turned them into the police but they weren't able to do anything to them. I know that they any of them are not going to be clean. Can anyone tell me how I go about this? I also need to know how do I go about getting something done cause they the police arrested my husband on a decision based Solly on his past record it is a bias prejudice I believe that is what I was told? My husband & I have not always walked the straight line but he didn't do this!!! I am disabled & he took care of me & helped pay the bills. I have now loss our home due to this injustice & this people are walking around steadily getting into trouble. We have several people from our church that will stand up for us & to say how we have come a long way. If anyone could please give me any info that would be helpful I would really appreciate it.

Realistically what are the chances of my rapist being sentenced..?

Pretty close to zero. You said in a statement that you didn't see the person. You lied. A borderline good lawyer will chew you up on the stand.

Is it true that Periods effect your boobs?

Is it true that Periods can effect girls boobs? Like them being more puffy? More Pointy? Hurt more? Anything look wise?

Would you stay in a room with no windows, or human contact for 5 years in order to win $5 million dollars?

You have no clocks either , tv , newspapers, or radio. You have plenty of books and games to play. Your food is slid through a slit. In your door. So you have no sence of time or human contact for 5 years. This was on Twlight Zone once. If you won't do it for $5 million, then what would be your price?

What to do about a friend who keeps lying and starting drama? Please help?

After I stop hanging out with my former best friend because of all the drama she was creating and all the lies she told, I moved lunch tables to sit with Lexi. We grew a lot closer and I thought it would be great since she seemed so drama free. But after I became really close with Sadie who has been friends with Lexi for a while everything changed. Lexi gets jealous whenever Sadie and I hang out and seems to want me all to herself. If I make plans to hang out with Sadie alone Lexi flips out and starts a fight and cries b.c she wants to all hang out as a group and we always wind up feeling bad and I invite her to come along. But Lexi always wants to hang out with me alone and doesn't care if the situations reversed and Sadie wants to hang out all three of us. She always talks about Sadie behind her back saying lies trying to make her seem dirty and gross and stupid, etc. She always makes fun of Sadies weight behind her back. And she always lies about her family life and problems she has to make me sympathetic towards her so I'll take her side but I'm trying so hard to remain neutral. Even if me and Sadie make plans to go to the movies and we invite Lexi, if Lexi isn't allowed to go she gets angry at US and cries about it. I just don't know what to do because I can't handle the drama but I don't wanna drop Lexi as a friend either. So last night we were all fighting because last week I made plans with Sadie for this coming weekend. Sadie was upset that Lexi always comes in the way of us hanging out so we agreed that this will be the one time we hang out without letting Lexi interfere with it and ruin our plans by making drama. Later the same day Lexi asked if I could sleepover that night and I said I probably could because I thought me and Sadie would be done hanging out by then, but after I said I probably could Lexi told Sadie and Sadie got upset because she wanted to hang out till late at night and Lexi wanted to come at 4. I told Lexi I was sorry and we could reschedule or I could just come at around 11 at night. Lexi started a huge fight and was crying all night and texting me mean things and lies about how terrible her life is (I know she has problems because we all do but her life really isn't so bad, her family all loves her very much and shes spoiled rotten). Sadie got so upset that she cut herself (not bad, onyl with her nail and she swore to me she'd never do it again). Lexi found out and knew i was sympathetic towards Sadie because of that so today she told me things that I know are lies about her taking pills for clinical depression and then she took a picture of an old cut on her leg and tried to pass it off as her slitting her wrists. Who should I hang out with Saturday? How can I stop Lexi from feeling so jealous all the time and from thinking that she has to earn my sympathy? How can I stop there terrible rivalry I'm getting caught in between? Please please please help me.

Playful Teasing or Disrespectful?

africa would be a good place to start. i mean come on man the exotic haha! some good traveling foods for your journey will be cheerios,honey wheat bread, ketchup,pepper,and strawberry jam. don't forget your sphere! and instead of coffee, try green tea

What do u think about this girl I like?

So she asked who my 5 favorite actresses ever are (pretty wise). I said 2 blondes and 2 brunettes then she noticed that. Because she is a blonde I just said her to be playful. I was having a horrible day and she knew it bc death in fam :(. She suggested hinted at going to do something which made me feel better which is unusual (shes shy). She also told me a secret, that she had nipple piercings. She has said in the past is shy sexually??? She hasn't had a bf or had sex in 2 years and got them past year for fun cause she had no sex for so long. Please help??

Me n my girlfriend r in relation for 3 yrs....n we have comited for marriege...?

Wow, its hard to believe your really on your last year of English *sarcasm* wow you really need to learn how to spell.

LGBT poll: I really want to come out to my sister, but I don't know if I can trust her?

I think you should come out to her. If she really loves you, and if she's actually a slightly decent person, she will understand. She may not agree with who you are, but she should still love you. Keeping it from her (or anyone, for that matter) will just make things worse. Just tell her, and see what happens.

Is it normal to fantasize about suicide?

I'm almost positive I'll never do it, but I'm depressed or something goes wrong (like now, I'm having issues with my bestest friend of all time) I can't help but fantasize about overdosing. Like I imagine swallowing the pills and slitting my wrists in the bathtub... :/ Is this common? I feel like the majority people think about suicide.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Boyfriend treats me slightly bad- reassurance I should break it off?

I've been dating him for 6 years on and off. we love each other but lately I've come to terms with the fact that its just not working out. I'd appreciate feedback as far as my decision goes. I have spent six years trying with him and am now planning on leaving him. We generally fight about everything, he seems to have a minor drinking problem and has become violent once with me. he apologized and felt shameful of his actions but the next night he sat on the phone and told me I needed to be "reborn" he also says things like " you think your better than me?" when hes angry. He also told informed me when he was drunk that he believed that I was younger then him mentality wise. He says things like "your just a a girl" in the negative way. He has also said Im just a bag of emotions and things of this nature. I feel inferior and he says I'm younger mentality wise which upsets me. He has years of drug abuse problems and he keeps trying to pursue me and says he loves me when Im starting to feel this isn't going anywhere and it never will. that glimmer of hope I had is fading and I almost want it dead so reassurance that Im making the right decision would help

Christians: i am trying to figure out what is the wisest decision? 10 Pts best answer?

I am 18. My ex is 20. We have been friends for 3 yrs, and started dating April '10. In our relationship we decided to help eachother become closer to God, and not really focusing on the other things like a normal teenage relationship. We had a good relationship, put God in the center. He went to vacation for a month. When he came back.. It's like we both went crazy from not seeing eachother. We went too far one night.. Not "all the way".. But too far for inexperienced, God fearing people. Then we just sorta started drifting from eachother after that. We didn't hang out much after that, yet we still talked, because of our fear of sinning again. He went to college, and we broke it off. He still wrote me on fb, constantly trying to message me and things. I thought he still liked me, yet when I ask him on his thoughts for a relationship, he said he wants to wait on God, though he would love to be in one with me. Im so confused. I stopped writing him on fb, and he still writes me. What's the deal? Can I get some advice on what I should do? Is it best for us to let eachother go? I don't even know what to ask on here, I just need some input or insight on this situation. Please help!!! D:

Why can't ordinary Chinese citizens afford quality healthcare under Communist Party government?

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What's the movie where the guy becomes king?

Alright so there's a movie that I vaguely remember where I guy (maybe John Candy) finds himself in line to become the king of some European country. Antics ensue. The only other element of the movie I remember is that the the lead tries to play the piano for a crowd, but it turns out to be a harpsichord. Can you tell me what this movie is?

Haunted Ghost ship movies?

I can't remember if the approach.If I really had to ballpark it.It's not totally easy.I had to ask my friend, but the

Young people today who can figure them out?

where i live fifgt ensued 10 young men partying between ages 19 to 21 the a 69 year old man comes walking by and he didn't say a word he went past these young men then a second or 2 they were on top beating the blue blazes on this man many police cars, a ambulance and fire truck came they took the young men in police cars but was released and hour later these fights occur alot every june, july and august every year in past 11 years and this is in orillia ontario canada

Joining the Army with a G.E.D?

you can join with a GED if you have 15 college credits which is about 2 semester then u will be as qualified as a person with a regular diploma.. 24 credits will get uin as E2 & 48 credits will get u in as E3..& as far as ur weight u shud jus check the weight standards in b good to go.. your recruiter will help you with that.. u can do it good luck..

What is the threshold of the effects of quantum mechanics?

I'm reading The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking. In it, he talks of an experiment where buckyballs made of 60 carbon atoms are shot at dual slits and it interferes with itself. How many atoms would it need to be made of where it would no longer show this interference?

Last day of school :(?

I'm 18 and today is my last day in high school. I feel super sadcause I don't know what ensues after high school and idk what to do.... I need help

Story? What do you think?

"And back to you, Don, for today's forecast. It was dark except for the bright glow of the old 1990's television Nella had come to love ever since she had first laid eyes on it at the age of five. The television was just a blur as Nella's tired eyes changed from being slits to wide open. To her right, she could make out what was her tall cream wardrobe cabinet filled with all her favorite outfits. Warm memories flooded in as she remembered several outings with her friends and family. The red dress was worn to her aunt's, rich aunt Sophie's, extravagant wedding. Then there was her blue blouse, worn many a time out to dinner or the downtown theatre she and her best friend Jaycee so frequently went to. To her left, was her purple laptop set atop a mediocre wooden desk her dad had made for her a few years ago. He worked so hard on that desk and when he had asked Nella what she had thought of it when it was done, she had smiled and said it was great even when she really thought it looked awkward and incorrectly assembled. His giant bear hug that came afterward made up for the amateur handcrafted desk. Looking at it now, she decided that it wouldn't be her room without it, character was what it gave to her room and deep down she loved it, despite the looks her friends made at it when they came over.

How to effectively manage preschoolers?

I'm a swim instructor at a local pool. recently, I was doing a placement test on a 3 year old girl. I couldn't get her to focus for more than literally 5 or 6 seconds and she continually tried to break free from me to splash around in the water. Normally, i would let her do this for a minute or two as long as she was being safe about it, but we were on a very tight schedule and i needed to get her in the pool and back out again. Eventually I came to the decision that she should be in level 1, and then I asked her to get out of the pool. I ended up walking hand in hand with her up the ramp because she wouldn't listen. I used all sorts of strategies to get her out... counting to three, telling her that it's time to go see mommy, telling her that play time was over and it was time to get out, etc... It ended up being necessary for me to hold her firmly by the hand and drag her out of the pool. Only problem, she kept breaking free and running down the ramp away from me and I had to start all over. I eventually called my supervisor over and he tried all the same things, with no luck. Finally, her dad came over and plucked her out of the pool. This little girl has a twin, too, and whenever they saw each other, chaos ensued. Parents always sign their kids up for the same lessons, and if I get these two girls together, I'd be completely at a loss as to how to deal with these two, as well as 3 or 4 other preschoolers. Any tips for effectively managing preschoolers so I can avoid another encounter like this?

I might have cut my Achilles tendon...?

I was riding my bike and my foot slipped and the peddle slammed into the back of my ankle. My Achilles hurts when I walk but I can walk. I can move my foot fine but feel pain. Could I have partly slit my tendon? Like half way or something?

I'm hearing voices!!! help me!?

Ok, so i woke up today and i heard two voices speaking in a demonic voice that was mumbling and laughing. I'm not very religious by the way. So they kept on laughing and it was coming from inside the room. I was soo afraid... they told me to slit peoples throats. i hid under the sheets and when my mom came home from work they left me alone.. what was that?? i searched my room and no one was found or anything..

Is it too late for my dog?

you can try piddle pads. put on down when he goes on it tell him good boy keep moving it closer and closer to the door you wanna take em outside to or you can try and catch him before he pees and scoop him up and make a mad dash for outside when he does go giv him lots of praise.also take him for walks when he goes agan give him lots of praise. when he pees in house tell him in a stern not screaming voice bad or naughty good luck

Is civil war Islam’s modus operandi?

No. Those are terrorist groups, not Muslims. They just do it in the name of Islam, but in fact, this is opposed by Muslims. Unfortunately, these terrorists change the world's view on Islam. It's a misunderstanding.

Bestfriend's drug addicted brother?

My best friend is a very gentle, kind and compassionate person. His brother is a known meth addict, wife beater, rage harbinger, quick to fight, all around bad person. The problem stems from this "brother being intelligent enough to manipulate the legal system to stay out of jail. He lives with his very christian parents, whom will not turn him in for anything, considering this a sort of sin to do so. This "brother" continues to do drugs, avoid child support, and bring chaos to their house. This chaos ranges from fits of rage to the drug deals and doings around the house and the fights that ensue because of these things. He is a thief and tends to have ppl coming to their house to fight him and take their stuff back. My friend and his parents are constantly having to support him financially, drive him around, do random choirs for him, pick him up at all hours of the night from random places. He has been to rehab and jail several times. What can i do to help them in this situation? Can I call a judge or some sort of legal institution to report him for these doings and get everyone into a better situation? Please HELP ME HELP THEM???????

US citizens, why are the people in the south are so rude?

ok. I have a myspace and i have majority of friends from decatur and hartselle, alabama. But they're all so rude. I pass a comment and they start barking and calling me things. And my comments are like, a guy from alabama typed a status which was "please god don't let my dreams run dry" and i passed a comment which was "they won't run dry if you don't let them to". After that comment, even his mother commented of that status and said "Mrs Block, you seen a lot more interested in my boy. What's the matter?" and i said "hell i don't see if i said anything wrong". And then her boy Andrew Sanford commented and said " if i ever see you on here, i will slit your throat and hurt you so bad you won't be able to get up. Now go eat pig you piece of sh!t" i mean i say nothing wrong but they start barking. Some of the users have blocked me. Some know me personally some don't. Andrew Sanford, i don't know him personally. But his status came up on my page and passed a comment which wasnt even wrong and they started barking calling me things. The boy is 25 and getting deployed to afghan and his mother is like 61. I told her "very mature of you miss". I am 33 and have no interest in young boys. I'm married to CPA, heck why would i care about anothe boy are man. There are other girls and men from alabama and they are disgusting. So i was asking, whats the matter with southern people. Because i have a lot of friends from minnesota and east coast and they are very nice.

There is a rip on the inside of my bikini. How can i fix it?

I'm such a dumbshit. I just cut the pads out of my bikini and then i realized that THERE WERE ALREADY SLITS FOR REMOVING THE GOD DAMN PAD!!!! The cuts i made were very close to the seam so i think i might be able to repair it. Will glueing it work? I have a hot glue gun. I cant sew :/

How to help her convince her?

I understand what your saying, but if she asked for time let her have it otherwise getting involved will push her further away from you, next time you see her kiss her and she will feel it. And know her answer.

What do you think of this part of my novel?

That sounds really intresting and I think that you should add more to this I love horror/mysterious stories sounds good so far! (:

I think i have depression? Please help me!!!:(?

Hii, Sorry to hear your feeling so down, and having these horrible thoughts. Being a teenager is bloody hard. In my teenage years i went through many a problems similar to your own, i attempted suicide a few times, I used to self harm. I was abused at a young age, and when i hit 12 i got taken into foster care and i turned very deppressed and suicidal. So i can understad how you are feeling. I know you cant ever imagine yourself feeling any different, and it all seems such a permanent feelig. But it will get better, But you have to remember only you can make a difference. After 6 years of doing nothing about my depression, i finally got my act together. I now have my own house, job, nice things. All things i never thought id have. You need to make your life more worth living, Maybe start with going to the doctor and explaining how you feel, Then get yourself included in things, clubs maybe? You say your interested in god, Theres all sorts of church groups you can go too, Or something else your interested in. You need to start getting up earlier on weekends and doing something productive with your day. If your doing things like this it will build your confidence up and make you feel much more worth while. If you would like to talk anymore then feel free to email me on Would like to help make you feel better :) Best of luck x

Is amir Muavia debited with a sin for every attempt of coup & ensuing blood bath?

mohammad in the last 9 years of his life attack up to 100 villages and towns. he would almost always kill the men and boys. he would rob the village of all its wealth. he would then divide the women, children and slave girls among his gang. he would either auction off his 20% of the slaves to his gang or send them to the slave market. does this sound like something a prophet of a god should do.? NO! all muslims have to do is read the hadiths and quran and learn the truth as i have.

How can I make my breasts smaller?

when a woman loses weight, your breasts is the first place that you lose it from! so i would start there. good luck! :)

Why does it suck being the nice guy?

I have always been the nice guy. I sit around and just take loads of bs from all my friends who love to dump their **** on me. I don't care if you like him, or he likes you, or if you don't understand why he doesn't like you. I hate being the person people can talk to because all it has gotten me is an inferiority complex, depression, anxiety and the long ensuing path of loneliness. I have smoked, I have drank, I have done so many other things that people like to say "ease the pain" but nothing has come even close to helping. On top of that Im even too much of a puss to keep up with the asshole routine or even go to someone professional for help. I dont really expect anyone to read this, or even care, but it feels sort of good to vent.

I'm looking for a NON shiny, but a matte mini skirt in small size [8-9] w slit up side. Please point me where?

I hate the flashy mini skirts; the shiny ones. I'd like to find a sexy black mini skirt w a max lenghth of/ 9" length. Problem w/ me is at age 24, I'm only 5'3" @ 105# to find the right fit. Please help me if you can! Katie~

My friend said that she wants to commit suicide?

ok, were both 13 & shes been getting some hassle from some people for being 'emo' and 'fat' and 'ugly' but tbh, shes not ugly or fat, shes a weee bit emo, and shes not unpopular or anything, but this boy went crazy at her today, and said horrible, discusting stuff, and her familys a bit stressful right now, her uncle just went to jail for murder, her aunt was killed & her mums not been there to talk to, and she said to me that suicide was an option, but seriously, i cant live without her, she means the world, i know she doesnt actually want to, shes slit her wrist and stuff, and she says she doesnt see the point in life anymore, how can i convince her not to?

Is there a handbook that helps identify venomous and non-venomous snakes?

Just a comment on gimme . . .'s answer. By far, the best guide she mentioned is Stebbins' guide (Peterson series). For the rest of North America, use Conant & Collins' guide, also in the Peterson series, put out by Houghton-Mifflin.

I need help with my book, dont know what to make this guy say?

so these two wolves are fighting, they had their pack back away from them, the one who wins i want to either say "So do i kill you now? Or do you want me to let you live now and kill you later" or "Do i slit your throat, or bite your spine, or maybe just cut you open and bleed to death... or, should i wait for tomorrow?" either way the wolf kills his opponent the next day, but i dont know which to make him say... help

Friday, July 15, 2011

How do you deal with a manager that straight up doesn't like you?

Your street smarts are intact. There is nothing to be gained by telling on him. It will be easier to get rid of you than to deal with the stink he will make about it. Unless you really like being under this kind of stress I suggest you look for a different job. Seems there is one of these in every company but you may not be the target in the next one.

My dress has slip in the front that opens too much how can i fix it?

I am a bridesmaid, and the dress has a slit in the front of it like a tulip style but there seems to not be enough material and it opens up really inappropriately, how can i fix it to look good but not look to different?

Any critique/constructive criticism to offer for this piece?

Not bad. Better than me, except for being able to criticize. At that, I probably excel. My only comment would be that you may be using more words than you need to paint the big picture. Keep working, you're doing great.

Are there times when a good hiney whooping is necessary in order to make your point/correct an ongoing issue?

A guy my ex was familiar with had an issue with a dude on the job. Dude kept picking with him and would not let up or leave him alone. The guy went to management and H.R on several occasions. Since dude was friendly with the management, it fell on deaf eyes and ears, and the manager covered for dude when H.R checked into it. So after one workday too many of the guy getting hassled by this dude, he got off work one day and got revenge. He left the work site to keep from getting fired for fighting on premises, and waited near the job up the street for dude at a gas station. When dude stopped to get gas one day, the guy confronted him about all the shyt he does on the job site, a fight ensued and dude got his "hiney" beat down by the guy. The guy called the cops and waited for them, they took him on to jail, where he bonded out and reported for work the next day. When asked he claims the beat down of this dude was worth a trip to jail!

Are town houses bad investments?

I have been looking for a terraced house (only because I can't afford bigger) but have come across a nice town house. It looks great space wise - over 3 floors, large bedrooms, huge kitchen etc, but cheaper than it's terraced equivalent (when comparing room sizes etc). Why is this? Do town houses not sell as well and therefore we may struggle to sell it ourselves if we bought it?

HELP me with this dream?

Okay so, I had this dream I was in my bed with my boyfriend, I actually thought I woke up though, (in real life, I wasn't actually with him in my bed, but usually I am) and I opened my door to find blood splattered on the wall, and a HUGE trail of blood leading down the hallway, and there was blood EVERYWHERE, and I have 2 dogs, so they like ran into my moms room, but there was like paw prints on my ceiling, and on the walls, but none on the floor. Anyways, I followed the trail leading to my basement, when I reached the stairs, there was pools of blood on each stair. So i went down, following it towards my computer room. And in the computer room, there were footprints, with the trail obviously, it lead towards the chair, and stopped. No body or anything. (My computer room is small). Then I think I went back to bed like nothing I saw was real. I woke up a couple hours later with my mom freaking out, asking what the hell happened, and she pulled the blankets off me & my boyfriend, and there was blood ALL over his shirt. We asked what the hell happened, and he said he didn't know. So I went with my mom to find something, we found nothing, then my boyfriend said "Just kidding, I did this. Remember your friends father flirting with you? Yeah, I killed that dick. Slit his throat, he deserved it." so I started crying and headed downstairs then the body was in the computer room then, but it wasn't there before. I'm confused as to what this means? Idk if these extra points have anything to do with it, none of my friends fathers have flirted with me, I have an asshole of a step dad who lives in my house, but we don't talk like at all, and he wasn't home in this dream, my boyfriend is protective but not this protective, and he would never harm anyone like this, unless if someone was trying to kill him and almost doing it, but not this rational, oh but there was this guy that was flirting with me, and we fought about it a lot. I'm confused why the body wasn't there at first, why there was paw prints everywhere but the floor, why there was so much blood from just a slit in the throat, and just other stuff in there, like my boyfriend said idk at first then confessed, and why it was a friends dad?

Dell XPS 15 L502x vs HP ENVY 14 Beats?

They are both the latest 2nd gen Sandy Bridge. I know that the HP ENVY has a better form factor and is obviously portable. But I am afraid that performance wise, the Dell would obviously beat the HP Envy. Any opinions on which I should get?

Is my mom crazy? O.o?

She said to me "qo qet a razor and slit your fuckinq throat" and then she's like "I hope you die mother fuckerrr" o.o for no reason tbh

Atheists and Christians: Why do we have to make things personal?

Why can't we agree to disagree in things, and be civil when debating. Instead many personal attacks ensue, along with feelings of bitterness and hatred. We should want to come to conclusions working together, instead of butting heads and getting nowhere. A little consideration goes a long way in receiving respect from one another. We aren't each others enemies, we are all in this life trying to figure things out.

Is my writing good enough for college?

It's a summary, and it's a fine summary at that. It's not too wordy, although you could have cut out a fair bit of this and made it more succinct. All the extra words make it seem like you're just trying to hit a word count, and not trying to make a real point. You're also going to need a more analytical approach when you write essays in college. As I said, this is a fine summary, but summarizing isn't going to make your professors happy. They've read the book too, and they're not looking for you to relay the contents in a new way. They want you to use the knowledge and information in the book to form an argument.

Better business language to learn: French or German?

I'm a current student at UF seeking to attain an MBA. This Fall, I will depart to Brazil to learn Portuguese and to continue my career abroad; I will be living in Brazil for about 1 year and a half. After that, I shall become a trilingual, since I can speak and write both English and Spanish proficiently already; My first goal is to be able to become fluent and write proficiently the 3 most important languages in the American Continent. But, I'm also thinking about learning a fourth language. So, after I return from Brazil I am planning to finish my degree, while learning another language, abroad in either Germany or France. I am currently undecided on which country I should go to study and which language is more important business wise.

What do you think would be a good twist for my novel?

I honestly really like it. However, what might be even better is, if the the drug dealer killed the lawyer already by the time Leon gets there and it was the drug dealer's plan to frame Leon. He convinces Leon he has to kill this guy, and Leon gets there, with the murder weapon and everything and the cops have been tipped off anonymously and catch him, practically in the act. What if it was a set up from the very beginning? Something to consider. The most important part, however, is that you understand the story, characters, scenarios, and such. The quality of you writing will depend on that, so write what you're most comfortable with, so you can really bring the reader in and create a story worth finishing.

Will i know im pregnant soon?

My last period was june 4th thru around the 7th. i believe i have had implantation bleeding (but maybe not and just spotting) this past weekend on the 25th and 26th. i started birth control the 10th but i missed a ton of pills the first 2 weeks.... all together so far around 8 pills. my fiance and i did have unprotected sex almost every day this month.... but i hadnt been on birth control for a while and we just used the withdrawal method til now and i hadnt gotten (well stayed) pregnant. 2 miscarriges. we wouldnt mind having a child. he really wants one. so i was wondering if i did end up getting pregnant would i know for sure before the 10th of july? its his birthday and if we are pregnant then i wanna do something cute for him gift wise by telling him we're having a baby and suprising him. PLEASE HELP ME!!!

My boyfriend makes me feel inferior?

I've been dating him for 6 years on and off. we love each other but lately I've come to terms with the fact that its just not working out. I'd appreciate feedback as far as my decision goes. I have spent six years trying with him and am now planning on leaving him. We generally fight about everything, he seems to have a minor drinking problem and has become violent once with me. he apologized and felt shameful of his actions but the next night he sat on the phone and told me I needed to be "reborn" he also says things like " you think your better than me?" when hes angry. He also told informed me when he was drunk that he believed that I was younger then him mentality wise. He says things like "your just a girl" in the negative way. He has also said Im just a bag of emotions and things of this nature. I have met some other ladies I think he would really like I find that incredibly sad that I don't feel like I can knock his socks of or make him love me the way I want to be loved. He does try to reassure me that hes in love with me and I believe it but I believe the love I have for him is unselfish. I feel like i would let him go if I needed to so he could be happy but through all of his drug addiction he kept me around and hid his problems from me so he could have his cake and eat it too. I now realize you teach people how to treat you and I was weakened by love unfortunately. I just don't want to feel like Im missing out on something and he always tells me I will be if we break up. He talks big about his future even though he is lacking now in the present. he works a minimum wage job and spends most of his time sleeping if not at work or planning something with me. I just feel inferior to him because he has told me he doesn't like the way I communicate, he said I try too hard to sound smart which puts me in an awkward position because now I feel like I have to watch what I say so he doesn't think im trying to sound smart? its all very confusing and irritating. He generally bullies me when Im not doing what he wants or hes extremely angry with me. we have a very hard time understanding each other and communicating. I feel like we both bring out the worst in each other, I don't know if its anything that can be fixed and clearly we have been trying for so long is it worth continuing? I have some serious problems with the way he treats me and the way he treats our relationship and himself. He has abused drugs in the past, he has a past of not being very honest and he hasn't gained any brown points from my family. He wants to move in together soon and talks about how great it would be but we have never even gone on a trip together without our families present. He has little ambition and grew up getting everything he wanted, I have stayed with him because I am patient and understanding which are qualities most people don't have but is he worth anymore time or am I just kidding myself believing we could have a strong solid future together. I cant waste anymore time my patience is wearing thin so please let me know what you think, thank you!

I don't feel like myself. Could it be because of "love"?

Honey u absolutely Need to snap out of this this man is old enough to be your father.. It's hard because your blinded by love but as an outsider looking in this is totally wrong and I highly doubt he has any good intentions please don't go back to him just relax and believe in yourself your only 19! You have all the time in the world to find some1 that fits your standards live your life and dw about finding some1 love truly occurs when your least expecting it don't downgrade yourself to some1 like that. Oh and it's ok to be quiet and reserved so long as you ate able to open up to some1 eventually

I'm so confused right now?

Tell your parents if you want ''help'', if you don't want help, just suffer in silence without telling anyone.

Someone please give me a little more tampon advice!?

I think it is time for a bigger tampon maybe just a super and i prefer the Playtex sports tampons also i like the U by kotex tampons. but if you are not ready to go up a size then wear a regular along with a pad. about the burning you probably put it in wrong

Can u solve this question??????

I think the wise man told both of them that he has switched their horses. That mean, whoever horses got to the finish line first, the true owner of the horse will lose.

I need help with convincing mom to let me have a ferret?

my dad is all for it but my mom... well, she says no. i did my research and i know what i need to get and to do for the ferret. i made a video for my mom so i can show her how cute they are i have not shown her yet so i also have a fact sheet to back up the video i am trying to show im more responsible by cleaning my room without her asking and doing what she wants me to do the first time she tells me to (which is big for me cuz i hardly do the stuff im doing now!) i have mentioned i want one without trying to be annoying. what else could i do that will help my chances? i know what i need to do for a ferret play wise and heath and care wise im going to do more research just to make sure. so any help?

I need help training for my school's Cross Country.?

It doesn't matter how fast you are or experienced you are, In the end all that matters is who wants to win more. If you go into a race saying "I cant beat these runners" you might as well not even go to the starting line.

My cat is losing weight and eye is swollen?

ok having had many cats myself and one now that loves to fight.i have two suggestions.firstly is it conjunctivitis, if it is use strong salty water (one teaspoon of salt to about 60/80 ml of water)and fully dissolve it and clean out eye with a strong tissue or something that isn't going to leave the cloth in their eyes if it breaks. bath 3 times aday and try to keep your cat inside.ok if it looks more serious than this then your cat my have an infection some where on its face.try to feel for any lumps or sores around the area that is swollen.if u find a lump that has a sore on top of it its a good chance you have just found the infection(prob caused by fighting).I just had this happen to my cat and the vet wanted 200 bucks to fix and i couldn't my solution was to first make up a batch of very salty water,and get some antiseptic(dettol) or something of the kind,and lots of tissues.find the sore that is infected then if you can cut a little bit of hair back around it,then if you can get someone to hold our cat you will first have to pull the sore apart to start releasing the puss then with your fore finger and thumbs on both hands place them around the wound and start squeezing squeeze until blood starts to come from wound and then bath with salt water and apply may have to repeat this process for 2 /4 days until a nice scab has formed.if it isn't any of these things i would take to vet as it has probably been hit by a car and need more urgent attention.i hope ur pussycat gets better

I think I'm an Indigo Child?

you sound like a normal child to me. just with better intuition. although you might have some sort of psychic power that isn't fully developed yet, but who knows. you would have to talk to a psychic about that.

Affect of prostate MRI scan on fertility?

I'm soon going to have an MRI scan on my prostate - will this effect the quality of my sperm in any way ? I'm NOT so much afraid of infertility - I'm more concerned about the possible affect on any potential new life that might ensue if fertilisation occurs AFTER the MRI scan. In other words - is it possible that the MRI scan would negatively affect the health of any baby that might be conceived ?

If someone virtuous, someone you admired, had occasion to kindly and tactfully dismiss you from their life...?

By George, DarkStar - I mean nothing of the sort by not contacting every day! I simply find myself, being a true Gemini, caught up in the swirl of daily events, and I simply overlook people. It's not coldness or aloofness - it's simply a busy life.

Hey this pre-university physics and i need help :D 2?

A light beam emitted by a laser, operating at 543 nm meets two spaced narrow slits of 0.048 mm. The slots produce an interface model on a screen located 2.80m away. How far is the third dark fringe from the center. Calculates the distance between the two slits.

My best friend is suicidal and i dont know what to do please help!?

my best friend is really depressed right now. shes DEFINITELY not herself and shes been slitting her wrists and keeps showing me this video.. and now saying shes going to end her life. all of this is because she broke up with her boyfriend a couple of months because she had an abortion because he didnt want a baby.. but she never told him (or me.. her bestfriend) about this until today! her ex boyfriend is now with someone else and this is what has made her like this.. the only thing she wants is him.. she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life and she says shes lost her baby and the love of her life! shes 15 years old and i keep telling her she has her whole life ahead of her and so many people need her and that she can get through this and i can help her and stuff but shes so stubborn! i dont know what to do please help :'(

10 points for best answer.Whats the best response.......?

tell that fat b!!tch to get back in the sea before you harpoon her. tell her you'l only ever need her advice when you need a few spare chins too.

Wii U? So I guess the next Nintendo video game generation will be playing Wii Luv U's?

Since the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U are the beginning of this generation of game consoles (likely followed by Playstation 4 from Sony and XBox 1080 from Microsoft), I thought the Wii Luv U would be the name of the ensuing generation home-console from Nintendo.

I think my neighbor is a drug dealer O_O what should i do?

Every other I see different people drive up in his driveway and rush up to his door and go in without even knocking, then a loud gibber-jabber arguement ensues then the person speeds off manically..The neighbor has lots of tats and always seems paranoid. I once invited him over to a barbecue with my other neighbors and he smelt of marijuana and tobacco and didn't converse with anyone. He just sat alone kinda twitching and drinking a Pepsi looking at us suspiciously. Needless to say i haven't invited him to any other barbecues..

Need to put strings on an old electric guitar and I'm lost?

So I was given this old electric guitar it's a yamaha dont know any other details I think it's a fender? (sorry I domt know alot about guitars.) anyway it has no strings I have to put them on but don't know where to start, I've tried online sites but none seem to help because they're all different than mine. But it has an old metal whammy bar at the bottom with 6 holes, then there's the pegs with 6 black things ontop with slits, not sure where to put the strings sorry I'm not very knowledgable but help would be appreciated! :)

Should I get a room with a straight guy at this wedding?

Is there any way I can get a room with this straight guy at an upcoming wedding, without having to book a room beforehand? There are a few hotels listed so maybe there will be rooms available? This isn't about hooking up with him, I just really like him and I just want to talk to him and get some alone time with him, it'd be fun to get a room with him and just have an awesome night (nothing sexual though) I don't know if he's straight or what. he'll be drunk so at least his true feelings might come out and hopefully they indicate something. idk. I've liked him for a while, and he's a very rare gem. He's Swedish and blonde and a real gentlemen, he's 23 I'm 19. BTW has anything ever happened with you and a supposedly "straight" guy? like relationship wise. I'm just sick of being alone and sad and feeling like I'll never get my chance at love with that perfect person...

MRI scan on protate - does this affect fertility?

I'm soon going to have an MRI scan on my prostate - will this effect the quality of my sperm in any way ? I'm NOT so much afraid of infertility - I'm more concerned about the possible affect on any potential new life that might ensue if fertilisation occurs AFTER the MRI scan. In other words - is it possible that the MRI scan would negatively affect the health of any baby that might be conceived ?

Strongly feel like slitting my throat?

feel so strong about hurting myself and ending it.I think I just might .I have been told things will get better an there not .I can't handle my family anymore .So I wanted to tell everyone thank you for helping me .

Could i get some feedback on my lyrics?

This is really good lyrics creative lyrics for horror core. The only suggestion i have is to change "I'm sittin in the doctors office" to something more like "i went to visit the doctor" or something else that flows better. of course i havent heard it so i could be wrong about that. but nice job!

My boyfriend feelings being blocked?

..Hi Sarah, I believe you have a couple of issues taking place within your self..The first of course, is trust, the second is your illnesses..Are you taking any medication for your depression? If not then I would consider it, although there may also be minor side effects like a lowered libido, nausea, and tiredness which do pass in time..Your trust issue I believe is the most important issue here and probably does go back to your mom & dad, in that your moms trust was violated, something in this case which is difficult to get back in ones self, although not impossible..I believe you may have taken on the pain/hurt and especially the mistrust that your mom carries or carried in this situation..Many children will do this until they finally realize these parental issues are absolutely not about their children although they are affected in some cases by such behaviours..As I am sure you may already know, trust is about our self and not the other person, no matter what they may or may not do or say..It is up to each one of us to find this trust within our self and really, there is nothing more we can do because if we cannot trust our self and our choices, we will never trust anyone else..If for whatever reason we get hurt by another then it is our personal choice to work through this pain/hurt and to once again trust our instincts and our choices in people and especially in relationships, and whom we allow in our lives..Sarah, you will be your self when you finally say, enough is enough, so instead of just dipping your toe in the water, make the choice to jump in, and go for it, no matter what happens..I also used to analyze a great deal in my younger days and because of it, I missed out on many things and some very good relationships, but it was all a learning experience, as life and living always is...We can never know for certain if any relationship will work out or not, so we absolutely have to live one day at a time, to the best of our ability and enjoy what we have today...What ever happens will happen, but we must trust we made the best choices possible for our self at any given time, and humans are very, very resilient and we do bounce back from injury, hurt/pain and some pretty terrible atrocities..Life is very precious, so make the best of what you have within it today and always keep your hope and faith close to your heart..Believe in your self!..Don't doubt your self, believe that you can and will make the possible choices/decisions that you can each and every day, and accept any consequences or repercussions that may or may not come, just as much as we accept all the good stuff that comes too...If you feel you are having blocked feelings Sarah, then this is exactly what is happening, and only you can make the choice to say, "No more"...This is your life, not your dads and not your moms..You are you, you are not your parents, and your choices can and should be based on the person you are today, and the experiences you have had within your own life, not the mistakes or shortcomings of someone else...Trust & believe in your self Sarah..Do take care, it sounds like you have something very special and remember that sex certainly isn't now nor should it be, everything in a relationship..Fill up this space with something else, something creative for awhile and allow this part of you to occur naturally, and it will I assure you..You are not alone..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Im lovin it? mc donalds.?

Should penny wise the clown from Steven kings it be mc donalds new clown mascot "im lovin "it""

I found a wild baby bunny, what do I do?

My cat caught a baby bunny. She killed the first one, and I found her while she was toying with the second. She (I don't know if it is a she but I'll say it's a she for now) has one leg that is completely limp, and another that seems out of place. These are both her front legs. I KNOW we need to take it to a vet, but my mom won't because she doesn't have the money. We wrapped it in a towel and put her in a padded shoe box with the lid on (with slits in it) so that she is in a dark area. She is very little, like fit in the palm of your hand little. She is very reactive and tries to move. One of her eyes won't blink either. Is this all we can do for her according to the situation?

Would you let your spouse go to a gym by themselves when they have a history of cheating?

My wife wants to join a gym and demands that she goes by herself. That would be all good and fine except for the fact she has a history of cheating in our relationship and demands that she goes by herself. I'm all for self improvement and her having her freedom but when she demands to go by herself then I start wondering. We don't have anything that we really do together hobby wise and I thought she might even just ask if I wanted to join her, but no. I know if I came up with this idea she would be asking a million questions even though I've never cheated on anyone. What do you think?

Can you try and help please?

I can't stand bulling myself. I have seen some really bad bullying in my day and I know how you feel that you can't really do anything without being jeopardized yourself. In your case I think you should try to befriend him, let him know that you want to be his friends and want to be his friend for WHO HE IS not just because you feel sorry for him. Try subtle things so that he knows that you are not making fun of him. You say you have classes together, pretend to you didn't catch what the homework was and ask him, or ask him for help on some homework. Once he starts seeing that you have nice intentions invite him again to sit next to you, introduce him to your friends and let him hang out with you guys, people will be less likely to bully him if he is surrounded with friends. If all else fails you should talk to the teachers or principal about it or your parents, tell them what is going on so they can talk to the teachers at school. Well I hope this helps.

How do I stop causing fights between me and my girlfriend. (Sorry for the Novel...)?

This is way too long so you're not likely to get many answers. I've been there, and I found a website that has helped:

Extremely paranoid/irrational fears?!?

Hey you should go to the doctor, about your other lower stomach pains, it may be appendicitis, it you develop a fever go to the emergency right away. that means that your appendix is about to rupture.

Jesus is God but he is not The Father?

What the Bible teaches about God and Jesus is clear and simple. It is not difficult to understand. Neither the word “Trinity” nor the concept is found in God’s Word. The Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ is God’s firstborn Son. (Colossians 1:15) It also points to Jesus as being the “mediator between God and men.” (1 Timothy 2:5) About the Father, the Bible says: “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”—Psalm 83:18.

How fast could i get ripped given my situation?

I am 5 9 and 120 pounds and have a skinny body I was wondering what was the fastest way to get ripped? What should I do protein and working out wise any weight regements? Quickest easiest and fastest way trying to get ripped and strong but maintain my skinny frame

How can i tell someone this?

I'm sorry you feel so bad. You defintely need to tell your mum because she would be devastated to know you were suffering in silence. Even if you don't always get on, she is your mum and she loves you. You need to see a doctor too who can get you the help you need. It can all be fixed, i promise. You just can't do it alone.

What happened to Cracker Jack prizes?

Speaking of prizes, whatever happened to the shat they used to put in cereal boxes? When I was a kid we used to get glow in the dark spoons or Matchbox cars. I haven't seen a cereal box advertise a prize in years :(

Do I have an STI??????

Go to your GP and get tested, Im a 16 year old male and when I was 15, I thought I caught a STI so I went to the GP and I got tested and was all clear end of story. He asked for my age, I planned on lying but hesitated and said I was 15, he asked me did I use protection and did my parent(s) or guardian know that I was sexually active under age, I said no. I also asked if possible that they would not find out about this ordeal , he said that's entirely up to you.

I got my boyfriend arrested for domestic violence - what will happen now!?

i just turned 19 and live in the UK. we were living together, he just turned 20. he doesnt have anything on his records. he has held knives to me, threatened to kill me, orally raped me, punched me in the face and left bruises, spat at me, kicked me, hit me, strangled and choked me. i had him arrested 5 weeks ago and we're not allowed any contact. well that's all fine and dandy for him as he's gone to Dubai to stay with his parents and comes back May the 25th where he is then charged. what i would like to know is if he is charged with all these things or maybe he won't be charged with all of them but the thing is there are actually several other witnesses for the different occassions he's done this to me so the police are pretty sure the assaults will go ahead, the rape may not. Anyway what i want to know is how likely will the court date be soon after he is charged? - i mean how soon is it usually for these sorts of offences? will i have to go to court? i actually want to go to court so i can speak to the judge myself. i don't want him to be banned from having contact with me. i want to be able to say goodbye. i realise what my boyfriend has done is wrong, he acts like this only when he is drunk which is no excuse, i know but all the same i believe that anyone can change if they want to and everyone deserves a second chance. What i will be really MAD about is if he just gets a fine and then is allowed to go galllavanting off to it likely he'll have to do community service? i want him to stay in the country to have to pay his dues and do what he deserves, his family are so wealthy that a fine will do nothing to him. i also want him to get help and i'm hoping the court will ensue this and make sure he gets help in the country!? is that about right? i want to know if i will go to court too, will he be banned from contacting me if i dont want that and will he have to stay in the country? - obviously you can't tell me exactly but anyone's guess would be more helpful than the police have been to me. thanks, x